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Hello :)

I’m an undergrad at Imperial College London studying computing, graduating in 2024.

My research interests are type systems, programming language design & implementation, and formal verification. My main project at the moment is the Ochre programming language.

I love discussing philosophy, political theory, and taking myself way too seriously thinking I can solve the worlds problems on podcast walks.

Outside of worky stuff I do a bit of mountain biking, love chess, and sail when I get the chance.

The Idea Box is a haphazard collection of thoughts/project ideas I’ve wanted to write down at some point. I make no guarantees on the quality of anything in the idea box. Feedback & remarks are more than welcome! I have enabled comments on the site for that purpose, but feel free to contact via other means.

This website is a published Notion document linked to a custom domain with Fruition, which I highly recommend.



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